The author uses a cloud application to celebrate this year's blog and thank his readers.
Approaching 50 Weekly Blogs and 5550 Views
As the holidays arrive, blog should give way to family time. However, before 2011 ends, I want to thank all of my dedicated readers for their visits this year. It has been a creative time: writing blogs, consulting on our learning commons website, building autoharps, and so much more.
To thank you, I have used the wonderful cloud program tagzedo to make a festive virtual tree from tags and themes from my blog over year. The bigger the word, the more I have rattled on about it, it seems. What a great program to get an aggregate pattern of work over time.
Happy Holidays and a Great New Year
I will be changing the look of the blog in the new year to meet your suggestions. Send your comments to make the blog as useful to you as possible.
In the meantime, enjoy the well-deserved rest and recuperation. Put down the marking and pick up the phone. Turn off the computer and cell phone. Enjoy a good book ( I guess an ebook is OK!). Visit real friends -- in person.
See you in 2011.
Up in the Clouds: Using Tagzedo to Thank You for a Great Year

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