Human Planet: A Remarkable Photographic Resource

Timothy Allen's photographic slide show of the BBC's Human Planet series is shared. Resource questions across disciplines are suggested.

BBC's Human Planet Series
From Human Planet All Rights Reserved BBC
Most teachers are familiar with Sir David Attenborough's different natures series for the BBC and have used them successfully in the classroom. Now, in Human Planet, mankind's complex relationship with nature —landscape, animals, and the elements is explored with photos and commentary from around the world.

You can find a thrilling audio slide show of images by the celebrated photographer Timothy Allen here.

Check with your administrator or teacher-librarian for ways to purchase public performance rights to the series. In the meantime, you can use Timothy Allen's slides to promote understanding of human diversity in so many different classes and extracurricular situations. In each discipline, identify the essential questions of the discipline and match them with the slides and audio. Here are a few suggestions.

Questions for Understanding
Social Studies and Sociology: How does Allen describe the common search for food, shelter, and relationships in different cultures?

The Arts: How do different cultures use music and dance to express their values and even solve problems?

Environmental Studies and Science: How do different people and cultures interact with both the natural and man-made environment to meet their basic needs?

Media Studies: How does Allen describe the process and results of his image making? What is his perspective on the content of his images?

Physical Education and Health: What evidence is there in these photos that humans experience a diversity of physical and health challenges around the globe? What are common challenges faced by most peoples?

Thanks to Carla J. for originally sharing this resource.


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