Here is my first of a new theme: creating diagrams that are constructed in order to evoke questions, thought, and discussion. I call them “evoke-a-grams.” (Humour me!)
Inspired by suggestions from cognitive science, I offer the above diagram for application to our study of instructional design, particularly for inquiry-based curriculum units and activities. Please see Constructive Perception: An Expertise to Use Diagrams for Dynamic Interactivity. Masaki Suwa in Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. 2002.
My questions, like the diagram elements, are deliberately general, vague, and ambiguous:
- What is the relationship between the two halves of this diagram, and between the elements within each half?
- How does colour and shape evoke the construction of your meaning of this diagram?
- How are the arrows suggesting ways to you to interpret this diagram?
- How does the arrangement and nature of the texts used evoke ideas?
- What is confusing about this diagram? What is clear?
- Based on what you think this diagram is about, how would you apply your understanding to educational practice?
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